I like to send 'thank you' cards with any purchases on my Poshmark, but I realized early on that the cost of buying them quickly adds up. Since I love making things, I figured I would try to see if I could be more frugal and make some cute cards at the same time. This is a super easy DIY that took me only 15 minutes to make 56 cards, while also taking pictures for you. I have the math broken down later, but these cards cost about 3 cents each.

The tools you will need are:
- scrap booking paper/card stock (12in x 12in)
- scissors, extacto blade with a ruler, or a paper cutter (which is my preference)
- 'thank you' stickers
- a favorite pen
I had some left over scrap booking paper which I used before, but since I ran out I bought this one from Amazon. You can use any scrap booking paper you have, but I prefer the ones with plain white backs so I can write a note on it. This was also pretty inexpensive considering it was $5.66. I'm really a fan of this pattern, too. It reminds me of agate slices or geodes.

Each page is 12 in. x 12 in. - to get decent sized cards you can make them 4 in. x 3 in. which is the rectangle ones or 3 in. x 3 in. for square.

This paper trimmer is $24.99 from Michael's. You can really use any trimmer that can handle 12 in or even scissors. I already had this for previous projects, and I prefer to use this because it makes the edges nice and sharp.

Each of the sheets usually have a perforated tear off edge, which I usually trim off so it isn't visible on the cards.

For the rectangular cards, first cut it in 4 in. sections which should give you three pieces from one paper.

Then, cut those long strips into 3 in. sections which should leave you with a 4 in. x 3 in. card.

For the smaller square cards, I first cut them in 3 in. sections which should give you four strips instead of three. Then, again cut the long strips in 3 in. sections.

Which should give you something like these, and I just repeated this with two other sheets of paper to make 24 rectangular cards and 32 square cards.

Here, are all of them cut! You can use whichever you like better, but I like to put the larger cards with my larger items and the smaller ones with my smaller items. If you did the whole pack at the smaller size that would be 16 cards per sheet. With 30 sheets per pack, that would give you a total of 480 cards for just $6, which makes each card cost a little over 1 cent. If you did the whole pack as the larger cards that would be 12 cards per sheet, which would give a total of 360 cards. That would make each card almost 2 cents each.

Phew, math. Now that the actual hard labor is out of the way, let's talk about stickers. I got these stickers from Amazon, too. Most of the ones that are available cost $12.99 for 1000 stickers. If you used all the stickers, one per card, it would equate to a little over 1 cent per card. They occasionally have this $1 off, too!
There are a bunch of different types, but I'll link these specific ones.

You'll want to place the sticker somewhere in the center of the card. A little off doesn't matter, so don't worry too much.

Now for the cherry on top: a handwritten note! Just keep it simple and genuine, no need to write an essay.
Let me know what you think! If you try this DIY, share it on Instagram and tag me @fashion_batsy! I'd love to see how it turned out!