I'm starting a new series called "Learn With Me." Basically, I write about things that I've learned the hard way in the hopes that someone, somewhere over the rainbow, can benefit and apply these lessons in their own experiences.
This past month, I co-hosted a Posh party for the first time. Honestly, I was really nervous going into it, so hopefully this post can allay the fears of future co-hosts.
Poshmark has a blog post on how to become a host. You should check it out if you haven't. It covers the basics, like what the requirements are to co-host a party. They're pretty general, and if you have an active closet, they won't be too hard to reach.
I applied last spring and didn't hear back until last month. That is almost a year later! I'm sure they get a lot of requests and applications, especially since I've noticed more and more people trying reselling. So if you don't hear back right away, have no fears! That doesn't mean you won't be selected. That may just mean it'll take some time for them to schedule you.

This was the first email I got, and I received it on the 18th. If you do the math (ugh, why do I always do this?) that's a little over one week heads up.
Notice that the time is in PST. That's important for later.

After confirming, I received this email. That link took me to a video on YouTube on how to host a posh party. I also found this post on their blog, which says that a host should share no more than 100 listings since they want it to be a curated selection. I was worried about how I was going to track that, but I just kept a sticky note next to me and tallied off as I went. Simple, but mostly effective. You can also use a calculator or clicker, anything that can increment by one with one swift motion would work.
Tips from my Insta fam ~ If you aren't following me on instagram find me @love_batsy
👖~ Make your picks as far in advanced as you can. Your picks will get more activity if you share them early on, so it helps them more if you share soon after the party starts. One of the tips I got for this was to like or bundle the items you want to share, or like the poshers closets so you know to go back when the party starts. I tried liking some items and closets, and that helps the party quickly get into full swing.
👗~ Have your congrats comment ready to go, written and copied on your clipboard so you can just paste it on every item you've chosen. I wrote mine the day before and just had it saved in my notes app on my phone. ALSO copy and paste, NOT cut and paste. Have a copy of the comment somewhere, or you run the risk of accidentally losing it. 😔 *sigh*
🧥~ Don't be pressed to keep up with everyone congratulating you and asking for host picks. Someone on Insta warned me, but I underestimated this. The comments on Poshmark were constant after they posted the parties for the next day. I even woke up the morning of the party with almost 400 notifications on Poshmark 😒 I tried to keep up for a while, but that just burned me out super quickly! I took some "me" time, put the phone down for a while 😅. It's important to have fun with it. It's a party after all!
👚~ Don't wait for the theme of the party to be announced. In my case, they told me in the email, but if they notify you more in advanced, you may not be told the theme in the email. I saw some Poshers sharing the line-up before they were announced on the app, and I thought it was some special insider info...turns out it was just the blog 🤣 ! You can check their blog where put the line-up, so you can start prepping ASAP.
...Oh, I never went back the PST thing, did I? Well, final tip: check the timezone. I didn't realize until the day of the party that the time was in PST and that the party was not, in fact, at 12:00 for me. It's such a small detail, but it does make a big difference.
All in all, this was a fun experience, although I did feel a little frazzled afterwards. I am eagerly looking forward to hosting another Posh party!
Have you ever co-hosted a Posh party? Let me know if there are any tips I missed. And if you try any of the above tips in your future parties, I'd love to hear about your experiences! Follow me on Insta and tell me all about it!