As a whole, 2019 was an interesting and very full year. Every time a new year rolls around, a lot of people are thinking "new year, new me," but for me it's more about growth and expression rather than reinventing myself. I think a good way to do that is reflect on the past year. What did I accomplish? What areas need more of my attention?
This was the year my Poshmark/reselling gig went into full swing, but I also made sure to take some time off for myself. I had a summer break, I went to Alaska, decided to sell my home and downsize... I could go on forever. But this a post, not a novel, and it's already March (two months down, ten to go...😔) so today I'm going to be sticking to my Poshmark journey in this addition to my Learn With Me series!
5 Things I Learned on Poshmark in 2019:
1 ~ 300 active listings is a HARD number to reach. For a few months, I changed my goal from having 200 active listings to 300. The more I listed, the more that I sold. Logic. Listing 300 wasn't too hard to reach, but keeping it over 300 is a totally different story 😅 Goals this year: hit 310 listings and keep it above 300.
2 ~ I'm sure you've seen this before but share, share, and SHARE your closet 🔄. More listings means more sales, but that also means it takes longer to share. Prepare for a bit of a time investment. I've normally plan to listen to an episode or two of a show during the evening posh party. I say listen instead of watch because it is hard to watch while sharing quickly. I try to pick a show I don't necessarily have to see to understand what's going on most of the time. You could also listen to your favorite podcast or or an audiobook.
3 ~ Take lots of measurements when listing, and take pics of the material tags. In spring, I had a shopper come into my closet and ask for A LOT of measurements across my entire closet and the materials of certain pieces. I had taken the measurements of the length and waist, but I forgot about pit to pit measurements on shirts, rise measurements for pants, etc. Not only did she ask that, she asked for it at like 11:45 pm...so, needless to say, I spent much of the night pulling out my 150 listings, measuring, and taking pictures of the tags. It was very frustrating, and I wish this was something I knew while I was listing the items. I'm glad I went through and took the measurements though, and did more research on the types of measurements to take since I hardly get asked that question anymore 😁
4 ~ Not only on Poshmark, but in life I was learning to let things go a bit and not take so much personally. I got a few 4 star ratings on Poshmark, and I definitely took my first one pretty hard. They didn't say what was wrong, although I considered asking. It took me some time let go, to just accept that it happened and move on. I can improve where I can, but I also needed to realize that I can't meet everyone's expectations, and I'm alright with that. I try to focus on all the good reviews I do get, and that really helps! There's so much to be proud of in life, so don't waste time dwelling on things you can't change.
5 ~ Follow resellers on Instagram! They're always so helpful and drop tips all the time! I've learned so many things from them that I never would have thought about on my own. Like I didn't know Goodwill bins were a thing, bundle gifts, how to talk to customers, how to relist an item that just sold and was cancelled, what brands to keep an eye out for... just so many things that I had no idea of! Incorporating this into your daily or weekly routine can really influence how you think about your business and how to improve it. I started following other resellers in February 2019, about half a year after I started selling on Poshmark. I wish I did it earlier! Instagram really is a supportive, helpful community. Some people I follow and who've been really helpful to me on this journey are @colorresale @cageyscloset @abritishposher @thestellarstop.
So those are five things I learned on Poshmark this past year...Actually, they're sort of what I've learned in the past decade which is kind of cool. But I am by no means an expert. What have you learned that's helped you on your Poshmark journey? I'd love to hear about it. Comment here or on my Insta @love_batsy.
If you're new to this blog, check out my first Learn With Me post about co-hosting a party on Poshmark, and if you're new to Poshmark, don't forget to use my code when signing up for $$ off your first order!